Blood Assurance welcomes our student donors! We have great programs for students who want to be socially engaged, and a grant program for schools looking to help save lives and give back to their schools.


Under 18 donors

16 and 17 year old donors are able to donate, but 16 year old donors require a consent form signed by a parent or legal guardian. 17 year old donors do not need a parental consent unless in North Carolina. Click below for a copy of this consent.


host a drive

Blood Assurance recognizes and rewards local high schools for their tremendous efforts in saving lives in our communities.

Area high schools have hosted hundreds of blood drives contributing thousands of units of blood for the healthcare facilities Blood Assurance serves.

To schedule a drive, contact us below:

Nick Bosco
Director of Donor Recruitment
East Tennessee and GA
Email Nick or call (423) 356-4368

Jerry Antoine
Middle Tennessee and Bowling Green, KY + surrounding counties
Email or call 800-962-0628, ext 2110

Future Lifesavers Grant

The Future Lifesavers Grant program partners with elementary and middle schools to offer more opportunities and resources for students while helping save lives in the community.

By hosting a blood drive with Blood Assurance, your school can earn grants and special rewards.